You Have To Believe Me!: The Complete Series
You Have To Believe Me!
The Complete Series
By Sasha Scott
Copyright © 2017 Sasha Scott
All Rights Reserved
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.
All characters depicted are 18 years old or older. For adults only.
You can check out all of my other stories and keep up to date with all my new releases at my Amazon author’s page!
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Ordering the Nurse
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Ordering the Nurse
Light. It seemed like forever since light had last blessed my eyes. How long had it been? Where was I?
Slowly the world around me began to regain its focus. Blurred meshes of pastel tones slowly developed structure and turned into walls, ceilings, curtains and furniture. I certainly wasn’t home, I never would have painted my house in such a tedious shade of green. It looked like I was in a hospital.
That was when it came flashing back to me. Luckily just in my memories, not in reality; lightning.
Yep, I’d been struck by lightning. I was caught out in a storm and fate was not on my side as it decided to strike me down with a piercing volt from the heavens. Perhaps the fact I was still alive meant fate had been on my side? Too bothersome to think about, I had more important priorities like knowing how long I’d been out and if everything was still working.
I tried to move my body. I felt a bit weak, a bit groggy, but everything seemed to be moving. I could shake my head, I could lift my hands and I could wiggle my toes; everything seemed to be accounted for.
“Is anyone there?” I called out to the empty room, my slightly croaky voice also operational.
No response. What a shock, no response from an empty room. Instead I took another look at my surroundings for anything that could help me. Dangling down to my side seemed to be some sort of pulley system, probably to call for a nurse. The only way to know for certain was to pull it.
Not too long after tugging on the string the door to my private room swung open and in walked your everyday looking nurse.
“Seems you’re finally awake,” she said in a cheery but not overbearing voice.
“How long was I out?” I asked her, fearing the very worse.
“Only a couple of hours. You only came in last night.”
In a way I felt disappointed. I’d been preparing to hear the worst, that the year was 2036, the new president was an android and everyone finally owned those flying cars we’d been promised. Less than a full day wasn’t even long enough for me to use as any more than an entry level anecdote. Realistically, however, it was good news.
“So how do I look?” I asked once more, “Does everything look okay? The lightning didn’t do any damage did it?”
She shook her head, “No, luckily for you everything looks completely fine. We want to keep you here a bit longer for observation, just to be on the safe side, but we haven’t found anything so far. It seems that you got very lucky.”
Well that was a relief. I guess being the man who was hit by lightning isn’t that bad an anecdote after all, especially being one who walked away completely unharmed.
“Thanks doc,” I sighed out in relief. So all I had to do was spend a few days resting in a hospital bed and then I was good to go and share my story with everybody who would listen. Time to waste away those lazy days.
It had been two days since I had awoken which made this my third day in hospital. Still I was getting the all clear from the women in white, everything was looking a-ok. They came to check up on me every once in awhile too and I also had nothing to report.
“So Eddie,” she said to me, the two of us onto a first name basis, “everything okay today as well? No weakness, no soreness, no unexpected side effects?”
She knew me as Eddie, much preferred to Edward, while I knew her as Connie. She was either the nurse who was in charge of this particular section of the hospital or the one in charge of me specifically. Either way it was good to have her. She had a warm personality and she was very easy on the eye.
Connie was quite a young nurse who looked similar to me in age, she was probably somewhere in her mid twenties. She was a pretty thing with peachy white skin, brunette hair wrapped up in a ponytail and some big blue eyes with long lashes to help show them off. I imagined she was very popular with her male patients thanks to those looks and her charm, she was popular with me after all.
I shook my head from side to side in reply to her query, “Nope, nothing. Everything has been normal. Well, you know, except for that…”
A glint of concern appeared on her face as my voice deepened and trailed off into a sort of sadness.
“What? Is something the matter?” she asked, worried for my well being.
“Well, it’s just ever since I got struck by lightning… I’ve been able to shoot electricity from my fingers.”
Yeah it was a pretty lousy joke but I was bored, there really wasn’t much to do in a hospital room and seeing as my condition was the very opposite of serious I wasn’t flocked by guests or gifts. I had to make my own fun which was I wiggled my fingers in the air, making my own explosion side effects.
Now I wasn’t expecting a laugh out loud response. I was expecting more of a roll of the eyes, a shake of the head and a quip of “what are you like?” before we all smiled and went on our merry way. What I wasn’t expecting was her face to twist in horror and for her to drop her clipboard in shock.
“Oh my god! I’ll go fetch the doctor!” she squealed in panic. My joke wasn’t good but it wasn’t that bad.
“Hey stop!” I called out to her just as she was making a quick darting run from my room, “What’s the matter with you? I was just joking!”
Connie stopped her escape attempt when she was pretty much already in the hall, twisting back to look at me, the panic drained from her face. Instead she tutted and shook her head.
“I should have known,” she sighed out. She was right, she really should have. What was all of that about?
“Are you feeling okay yourself?” I asked her as she came back in to collect her notes.
“Of course. Why do you ask?”
“Why? Well… all of that just then.”
“That? That was just concern for my patient’s well being. What was I supposed to do?” she asked seriously. She was either a master of straight man comedy or we were operating on two completely different wavelengths.
“But I was obviously joking,” I protested.
“Sorry, it didn’t sound like a joke to me.”
What was wrong with this woman? Was she completely deranged or did my bad joke really woosh right over her head.
“Fine, just forget about it,” I groaned. It was easier not to think about it.
That was the end of that or it should have been but Connie never left. She remained there, watching me closely with a piercing gaze.
“So?” she finally asked.
“So what?”
“You said something was wrong?”
“No I… oh you mean before? Before the whole pew pew thing?”
“Before? Pew pew thing? You just said it,” she said, face looking concerned again.
Was she still messing with me? Yes I did say forget about it but that didn’t mean she had to pretend she had really forgotten. What was up with her, why was she acting so weird? It was almost as if she really had forgotten, just like the w
ay she seemed to believe my electric shooting joke.
Testing the waters I lifted up my hand towards her and told her, “My arm has fallen off.”
It happened again. She squealed and her face tensed in alarm.
“Oh my god! I’ll go get--”
“It’s a joke, calm down,” I instructed and she did just that. Either she was a master of acting or something very weird was going on.
“Oh sorry about that. I should have known.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” I sighed, “Now please leave so I can get some rest.”
Despite the fact I liked her I was glad to see the back of her. It was too weird, it was like she listened and believed everything I said. Something strange was happening and I had to know what it was. It couldn’t have anything to do with the lightning, could it?
It definitely had something to do with the lightning. I repeat, weird things were happening and it had to be something to do with the lightning.
Ever since my weird conversation with Connie I’d been strolling around the hospital telling others tall tales to see if they believed me. They all did.
“The sky is falling! Everybody run!”
“Hello Mr. President, very nice to meet you!”
“I swear I can see through walls, I just… I must be a bit too tired to do it right now.”
All the ridiculous lies I told to people they gobbled up. Nothing changed around us, nothing changed about them but they believed everything I said. If I told them they had four arms and then questioned it they would argue against me, despite the fact they clearly only had two. They when I told them I was joking about their four arms they’d laugh the whole thing off and accept reality again. It was bonkers.
After a day of extensive testing I managed to come up with three possibilities about what was happening to me.
Number one, I was suffering from some sort of hallucination and was imaging the whole thing.
Number two, everybody was in on it together and were working as one big team to prank me.
Number three, somehow the lightning had made my words completely convincing to anybody who heard them, so convincing that they would believe them no matter how implausible or downright wrong I was.
If I wasn’t crazy and unless the entire hospital was filled with award winning actors then the only possible answer was three. Somehow being struck by lightning had gifted me some sort of power. Maybe I really was crazy to believe that was the actual reality of the situation.
Of course there was still the chance I was wrong which was why I formulated my final plan. I had to suggest something that nobody would possibly simply follow as a prank and that I wouldn’t possibly be able to simply imagine; something that somebody wouldn’t do unless my power was the real deal.
All I had to do was wait for the leading actress to enter the stage.
The sun was starting to set when she appeared in my room. It was Connie coming in to check up on me once again. Just the woman I had been waiting for.
“Hey Eddie I heard you were lively today,” she said to me, “I hope that means you’ve been feeling completely fine.”
“Actually, there is one problem I have but I don’t think it’s anything to do with the lightning.” I explained, putting my plan into action.
“Oh? What is it? Anything I can help you with?”
“Yes you certainly can,” I announced, lifting my hospital gown to show her my exposed lower half.
“Ah! Eddie! What are you doing!?”
“I haven’t managed to cum since I got here. I’m completely backed up and as my nurse it is your duty to help me cum.”
Standing there, with my gown lifted and my lower half naked, it suddenly became apparent to me that if I was wrong about this whole thing then I had just flashed a nurse and could expect to find myself being taken away in the back of a car with sirens flashing. What the heck had I just done?
With the fear of being labelled a pervert gripping me it was a relief to hear a small giggle coming from Connie.
“Oh that’s all it was, I thought it was something serious. Oh sure I can help with that.”
“Y-you mean it?”
“Of course. It’s my duty as a nurse to help a patient with that kind of thing.”
She took a seat next to me on my bed and wrapped a hand around my cock, slowly starting to stroke. It was real, it was real, I really had some sort of power that made others listen to me, it was the only explanation.
Connie’s gentle touch quickly got my shaft completely erect, my firmness throbbing in her hand. I hadn’t been lying when I said I hadn’t jerked off since coming to the hospital, I was completely backed up and was ready to release. The added shock of having her touching me had almost taken me right over the edge.
“S-stop!” I gasped out just before I climaxed all over her hand.
“Is something the matter?” she asked, “You looked like you were enjoying it.”
“I was enjoying it. It’s just… you were doing it wrong.”
“Yeah. You’re not supposed to use your hand like that. You’re supposed to use your mouth when relieving your patients.”
I gave her another little push to see if I could take it further and she just flashed me that cheery smile of hers.
“Sorry! It’s been awhile since my training and I haven’t done it since then.”
Unless she had a past I wasn’t expecting she had never done it ever but thanks to my mysterious power she did mental gymnastics to make my words her reality. That was why she opened wide and pushed her head down, wrapping those soft lips around the hardness of my cock.
The noise I released wasn’t an elegant one. It was like a shivering groan of pleasure from having her hot, wet, mouth wrapped around my throbbing shaft. It was hard to believe that I had such a pretty girl giving me a blowjob just because I had told her to do it.
Connie didn’t just hug me with her mouth, she rocked her head up and down, truly performing the deed, even going as far as to push the girth of my dick into the tight confines of her throat, squeezing the energy out of my tense member.
The touch of her jerking hand had gotten me worked up to my limit, a deepthroat blowjob was more than I could handle. I gripped a hold of her head as she busy bobbing in my lap, pushing her down so more of my hardness was buried into her mouth.
“Yes, that’s it!” I groaned, “I’m gonna cum!”
My words were as basic and vulgar as my instincts and actions. Pinning her down by her brunette locks I began to cum, spraying my pent up orgasm into the tightness of her throat, emptying my swollen balls into her cock sucking mouth.
I sat with her pinned onto me, shuddering as I was drained of my energy and my load by the talented vixen wrapped around me. Only once I had finished painting her throat with my thick, sticky, jizz did I let go and let her free.
There was no look of annoyance on her face despite the fact I had gotten a lil rough with her. Connie looked as sweet and friendly as always, even with bubbly slobber trickling down over her lips, dyed white by my cum.
“Hmm you let out a ton,” she said to me, “you weren’t kidding about being backed up.”
“Y-yeah,” I panted, somehow more out of breath than the one who had just had her air cut off by my throat packing hardness.
Her blue eyes drifted from by face back down to my shaft as I was busy recovering from that unbelievable experience.
“It’s even worse than I thought,” she gasped. I looked down to see what she was talking about. Somehow I was still rock hard.
“Yes,” I grunted, “I’m afraid your mouth wasn’t enough for me. My condition is critical, I won’t be relieved until I get to use your pussy.”
She nodded, her face being filled with determination, “I understand.”
Before my eyes she began to do something else incredible. Connie began to unbutton her white work uniform before stripping the top off entirely. Then she wiggled out of the color matching
skirt and set about stripping down out of her underwear; she was getting completely naked!
I watched her like a wild animal being caught in the headlights of an incoming car. I couldn’t stop watching as she stripped out of her nurse gown and out of her bra and panties below, leaving herself exposed to me.
I’d found her to be a very pretty young woman with her clothes on and that didn’t change with them off. If anything I found her even hotter, her body looking incredible without any fabric trying to hide it.