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You Have To Believe Me!: The Complete Series Page 2

  She may have been on the slim side with a nice flat tummy but that didn’t mean she was curveless. Her body rolled into a trim hourglass figure that led up towards perky mounds with small, pink, nipples and down towards a round apple shaped behind that looked good enough to eat.

  Between her thin thighs she had a tight little pussy decorated with just a trimmed patch of brown hair above. How fitting of a nurse to keep things tidy.

  While my face was red she seemed completely fine. After all I was staring at a beautiful, naked, woman. She was just doing her supposed job.

  Thanks to my tunnel vision I barely even noticed the fact she had closed the distance between the two of us again. My first real indication was when she pressed her hands into me and pushed me back onto the bed, allowing herself the room to climb up onto me, straddling my lap and slowly mounting her way onto my hard cock.

  Connie moaned as her pussy slid downwards, my manhood being swallowed up into her tight, wet, folds. That was it, the two of us were joined together as a man and a woman.

  Her hands pushed down firmly onto my chest and then those hips began to move, shaking up and down, apple behind slapping against my skin as she rode my stallion with her juicy passage.

  There is no need to hold back,” she said down to me in a dreamy voice, her words oozing out in a soft, moany, trickle, “Let it all out. Let out all your pent up seed into me.”

  Did she really just say that? Was she trying to drive me wild? She was already riding me like a cowgirl, milking my hardness with her tight folds but still she was trying to say more to just push me over my limit. She did push me, she pushed me to the levels of a primal being.

  With my lust overflowing I gripped my hands onto her body and twisted us around. Sharply I pulled her down so that it was her body that was pressed down into the hospital bed with me being the one on top.

  “Then I won’t hold back,” I growled, feeling the instincts of my ancestors coming to life. Pinning her body into the sheets I pressed my hips down, sinking my shaft back inside of her with a hard, filling, thrust.

  She’d been the one in control but that wasn’t happening any longer. It was my voice which had created this entire situation and it was me who was going to lead. I kept her trapped down under my weight as I began to move faster, harder, really giving it to her with all the power I could summon.

  Her composed smile turned into a gasp for breath as she began to squeal out, filling the room with the sound of her moans as I hammered my hard dick deep into her tight, young, pussy. I felt incredible and by the way she was squirming it seemed I wasn’t the only one.

  “Yes just like that! Use me however you want to!” she managed to hiss, her hands reaching over her head, dragging at the bed sheets as she looked for something to cling onto.

  The sound of two, sweat coated, bodies slapping together echoed around the room as my hips refused to stop, almost on autopilot as I looked to milk out the biggest orgasm of my life using her sexy, trim, body. I’d never been so fierce in my entire life.

  Despite the fact it was I who was in need of release it was her who let out a shivering squeal first. It was her who began to writhe around with a full body spasm, her insides tensing and squeezing me like a sexual vice.

  Connie’s wild movements, inside and out, didn’t last for too long but they were still a wonder to behold, the way she twisted and turned as her insides twitched. I had a feeling I knew what had happened.

  “Did you just cum?”

  Seemingly drained she nodded her head, “I couldn’t help it, you just felt too good.”

  She knew how to play my caveman instincts like a damn fiddle. My buttons were pressed and I went wild, piston burying myself into her pussy with a sharp shake of my strong hips, sinking into her sensitive folds with powerful movements.

  Her nails began to scratch down my back as she found something to cling onto at last, her cries of lust louder than ever as I showed her the pleasures only a woman could feel and pushed myself to those only a man knew.

  “I’m cumming!” I finally snarled out, pushing myself to the point of no return, stirred on by her sexual charge. I wasn’t going to pull out, the only fitting place for me to cum was buried inside of her.

  It hit and I dropped my weight, pinning my length deep into her pussy, firing every single hot, thick, rope of cum directly into her body, filling her with my seed. She shuddered below me, howling out in bliss. There was no escape for her, she was trapped until every drop had been drained from my body.

  My hips tensed and bucked as I used her tight folds to milk out everything I could, finally giving my pent up body some much needed release. It felt truly incredible.

  I basked in the afterglow for a couple of moments, letting our bodies rest together before finally I drew my hips back to give her some relief. Trickles of cum followed me, oozing from her used hole. It wasn’t a surprise, I’d came more than I’d ever came before; there was simply too much cum for her to handle.

  With heavy, panting, breaths flowing from her glossed lips, Connie looked up to me with those big, blue, watery, eyes.

  “I hope you’re feeling better now,” she groaned softly, her breath literally taken away.

  “Hmm much better. You were incredible. The best nurse I’ve ever--”

  Bang. My head swiveled sharply. I knew that sound, that was the sound of the door being dragged open.

  With Connie in a heap next to me, leaking cum, and my body naked I made eye contact with another nurse who was looking on in, probably disturbed by all the noise we were making.

  “What the…”

  “Close the door! You didn’t see anything!” I quickly yelled at her. She did just that, closing the door and casting us back into safety. I could finally exhale, that was far too close.

  That reminded me. I’d gotten so giddy because of what I’d done with Connie that it also completely slipped my mind that I had proven that my power was the real deal. People believed anything I told them, I could make anybody do anything I wanted and I had the proof lying next to me.

  “If you ever get backed up again,” she purred, running a finger along my sides, “don’t hesitate to tell me.”

  I can categorically state that today was the greatest day of my life.

  Ordering the Boss

  Finally I was free from the hospital with an all clear to my name. Despite being struck down by a piercing bolt of lightning my body was completely fine and healthy. There were no medical issues to speak of, everything was as it should be.

  Well except for the fact I had managed to develop some sort of magical, commanding, power.

  Yep I hadn’t lost it, my voice still carried enough weight to be able to alter the thoughts and opinions of anybody who heard it. With a few words I could make anybody believe anything I told them, no matter how ridiculous. Not exactly the kind of thing which would show up on a x-ray.

  Through some weird twist of fate I had been given the power to make anybody believe anything I say. It’s the kind of power that some people could use for great evil. With the power to fool anybody they could steal millions from banks, they could weasel their way into situations where they didn’t belong and they could even become as influential as being the president of the whole country. It was a power with a lot of possibilities.

  However I’m not a bad person. I may have a gift but that doesn’t mean I’m planning on abusing it. Sure I may already have used it to sleep with a beautiful nurse but that wasn’t entirely my fault, that was me simply testing if it was the real deal and things kinda got out of hand. Plus when she came back the next day she was the one who was asked if I wanted to go it again which meant the second time was okay too!

  I may have the power to fool, confuse and manipulate but I am not going to let it define me. I am not going to let myself get corrupted by some wicked gift of the gods. I am going to count myself lucky I survived the lightning hit and am going to savor the life that I already had.

  Being out of the ho
spital meant it was straight back to work. It wasn’t the best job in the world but surviving with great fortune had made me see everything in a whole new light. I was going to pay my luck back by living a more appreciating life.

  Urgh, I forgot how damn boring work is. I miss work for one week due to being stuck in the hospital and I forget that I waste hours every day at a desk doing some tedious job just so I can get a paycheck.

  Wasn’t I supposed to be appreciating life thanks to my good fortune? That was definitely easier said than done. Looking around at cream walls, grey carpet and copy pasted cubicle after cubicle really made it a lot harder to feel appreciating.

  Letting a groan out I buried my head into my hands, this place was even duller than the hospital. How was that even possible?

  While I was busy wallowing in tedium an assuring hand patted down on my shoulder. Darting my eyes upwards I found it to belong to my boss. She was probably the only thing in my place of work that broke through that monopoly of boredom. She was just like Connie from back in the hospital, a stunning woman surrounded by a mundane backdrop.

  Her name was Mabel and she was the manager of the department I worked in which made her the boss around these parts. She was a beautiful woman in her early thirties with fair skin and long, wavy, blonde hair.

  She always dressed up smartly in stylish business attire, along with a pair of glasses, highlighting her blue eyes, with her locks tied back in a ponytail.

  Mabel was a hardworking boss who expected the same from her employees. She could be very strict but she certainly wasn’t any sort of ruthless dictator. She had an understanding side, she simply had a stronger drive for achieving more.

  “Not quite gotten back into the swing of things yet?” she asked me, peering down from behind her thick rimmed glasses.

  “Sorry. Looks like a week in hospital really threw me off my game.”

  “I guess I can understand that. You know I thought it was a practical joke when you said you’d been hit by lightning. It was certainly a unique excuse for not coming to work.”

  Yeah that was an interesting phone call. I actually had to get a doctor to back me up and email her some proof. Maybe pretending to be hit by lightning is a common excuse people use for missing work?

  “Well don’t worry, it won’t happen again,” I assured her, “After all lightning never strikes twice!”

  “Yes I’m well aware,” she said back, completely deadpan. That did seem to be a downside to my newfound gift. Suddenly everyone took my crappy jokes completely seriously. Was this going to be the end of my life as a wiseass? Perhaps this power was a curse after all?

  “Anyway I’ll try and get back into things asap,” I informed her, actually starting up something that looked productive.

  “Please do. You were already starting to build up a bit of workload before your unfortunate incident. I understand today might be a bit tricky but please try and pick it up. I don’t want to see you falling behind the rest of the team.”

  I was all smiles, just like her and her red painted lips, but as soon as she vanished it was back to sighing in displeasure. I couldn’t help but fall behind on my work a bit, I was a borderline slacker being asked to make tedious calls and do basic data entry all day, every day. I thought that an office job was going to be easy work but it just turned out to be downright dull.

  Well it was fine. After all I had my new power now, if things started to get a bit too much for me I could always use it to lift some of the workload.

  Slap. slap. I left my own cheeks stinging from some small slaps to the face. No I couldn’t think like that, I couldn’t become lazy and corrupt, using my powers as a crutch so that I could slack off, I had already steeled my determination. Now that I had proven myself to be untouchable it was time to face life with a new vigor. I was going to let my work shy background go and become an eager, dedicated, worker bee.

  Day number five on the countdown to the end of my life. Work was so boring that there was no way I was going to be able to survive a second week. At least the weekend was just around the corner. A break, finally.

  As I was lying with my head on my desk, wallowing in a new found form of pity, I heard a feminine clear of the throat which made me dart up. There was only one woman who worked in this particular part of the building and she was the person in charge.

  “Is it time for your midday nap Edward?” Mabel asked me as she checked her watch, “That’s funny I don’t remember our company having a nap time.”

  “I’m sorry boss!” I grovelled. I was really in for it now, she had a clipboard in hand and everything.

  “And let me just look at which of my staff members has been the least productive this week… oh look, it’s you, again. I mean it’s not uncommon to see you coming in last but at least you usually look like you were competing in the race. This week you decided to stop a lap early to take a break.”

  There was an uncomfortable sensation of something being caught in my throat. My production for the week hadn’t exactly been amazing. For somebody who liked results I was definitely not looking like a team player.

  “I can explain!” I croaked.

  “Well then, go ahead, I’m waiting.”

  Feeling completely flustered I began to think up a possible explanation about why I was lagging so far behind. What could possible be a good enough excuse that I would be able to stop myself from ending up on the unemployment pile?

  Then I remembered. I had the power to make anybody believe anything I wanted. I could say anything and she would believe me if only I was willing to abuse my power. However I had already told myself I would not do that, I would not stoop to that level.

  That’s when I looked up and saw her eyes glaring at me from behind those spectacles. I stooped.

  “The numbers aren’t right on that… sheet. I’m actually the most productive staff member this week.”

  She looked over the paperwork again, giving it a thorough inspection.

  “I guess these numbers are kind of low. That makes sense. I’m sorry for accusing you. Please continue as you were. Apologies again.”

  As expected she believed me completely and went off on her way, leaving me at my desk where I could finally let out that bottled up breath that I had been holding in. That was too close, I can’t believe I buckled like that and abused my power. But, in my defense, it was a crisis; I didn’t have any other choice!

  That didn’t matter. The crisis was over, that was the last time I would abuse my gift. Now I would really buckle down so I wouldn’t need to lie again.

  Let me be completely honest. That thing about me not abusing my power anymore hadn’t really came to fruition as I imagined. I may have used it a couple more times during a second boring week of work.

  It all started on the Monday when I overslept and came in late. I could feel the pink slip being printed out so I used my power to save myself.

  On the Tuesday I came in nice and early so I didn’t need to lie again. Instead I ended up falling asleep at my desk. Again I had to lie to save myself from unemployment.

  At first I was like a rock. After using my power a few times and seeing how it made everything easier I had definitely eroded back into my mold as a guy who just wanted an easy life. The thing that set me apart from all the others who wanted that was I had a way to make it happen.

  Again it was Friday and my production levels had been even worse than the week before. At least last week I had been trying even if it was trying badly. This week, since Wednesday, I’d barely done a thing. I’d been using my power to float on by doing very, very, little.

  Unsurprisingly, while slacking off again, I heard someone clearing their throat, trying to get my attention. It was Mabel.

  A woman like her, one who was driven by success and results, should have been completely furious with me for doing so little but she was all smiles.

  “Edward? Could you come to my office? Thank you.”

  Feeling very calm I lifted myself from my seat and
followed her to her office which wasn’t that far away. It was a very classic office. A small room with minimal decorations, a desk in the middle and a chair on either side. Mabel really didn’t steer very far from convention.

  I took a seat opposite my boss and made myself comfortable before asking, “So why did you want to see me?”

  “It’s about your work this week,” she began, “I just couldn’t believe it. Never before have I seen such incredible numbers!”

  Of course I hadn’t actually been doing a lot of work as established, I’d just been a bit naughtier with my power earlier in the week. With the knowledge I was doing not enough work, and with the memory of escaping Mabel’s wrath still in my mind, I told her that this week I would produce numbers which she would find absolutely incredible. It seemed to have worked.